Estate Management Services Framework – CCS
Contract Type:Framework
Contract Value:£500m
Contract Length :4 Years
Result :7 out of 7 lots won
We were approached by the UK’s leading independent real estate agency, Knight Frank LLP to assist with an upcoming Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework bid.
The framework was broken down into seven service-based lots of which Knight Frank wanted to bid for all seven.
Lot 1 – Total Estate Management
Lot 2 – Estate (Property) Management
Lot 3 – Agency and Lease Management
Lot 4 – Surveying and Strategic Advice
Lot 5 – Valuation and Compulsory Purchase Orders
Lot 6 – Business Rating Services
Lot 7 – Integrated Workplace Management
The main challenges, as with all CCS bids, was to follow the strict instructions laid out by CCS to the letter to remain compliant and with responses to lengthy questions posed needing to be responded to within tight character counts.
The challenge we had with Knight Frank was working with multiple partner contributors for each lot. Each partner was extremely busy and we were given set time periods with each partner to capture all information in one session. To counter this, we structured all responses in advance and shared these with the partners, highlighting the areas of the response we wanted to discuss and the type of information we needed to capture to score well.
Keeping the information capture sessions focused was critical as we had very specific information we needed to get from the session and only one main opportunity to do so.
A robust review process was essential to check that all of the information put forward was within the constraints of the tender competition and hitting the top scores of the evaluation criteria.
Following Knight Frank’s review and approval of the bid, we submitted our response with contingency days remaining.
With your help we’ve pulled some really strong responses together and fingers crossed we get full marks across the board!
Alex Pocock, Associate, Knight Frank
A few months later, the award letters were sent to suppliers, with Knight Frank successful in all seven lost they applied for. This was the first time they had managed to achieve this.