
Large, Complex Submission – EDS HV Group

  • Challenges:
    300+ Page Highly Technical Submission
  • Contract Type :
    Single Supplier
  • Value:
  • Result:

EDS Group offers High Voltage Turnkey solutions to the renewable energy sector. Their engineers and consultants are highly qualified experts in their field. They needed help to capture this expertise in order to submit a winning bid to international energy provider, E.ON. 

With a client team of specialists already assembled to contribute, we were asked to manage the bid from start to finish. The process included:

  • Chairing a win strategy and response strategy session
  • A structured kick-off meeting to agree on a bid plan, roles and responsibilities
  • Developing response template structures for each question – advising and guiding technical experts on what content we needed to develop
  • Pre-agreed review cycles, reviewers and coaching for those reviewers
  • Bid management using our Bespoke bid tracker tools
  • Detailed project governance such as version control, structured communciations frequency
  • Best practice response structuring before these were sent to technical contributors to complete.
  • Quality assurance (4 x reviews) and alignment to win strategy for all responses including a detailed Red Team review (review of final responses, acting as scoring evaluator and coming up with an action plan to maximise every score).
  • Final proofing/editing

Our role was to be a trusted and intrinsic part of the team, rather than being seen as an external supplier. Also, being able to challenge EDS by asking the “so what” question when discussing EDS HV’s differentiators, pushing for more evidence and stronger examples, and combining our buyer knowledge with being an honest friend to EDS to perform the reviews.

We oversaw contributions from more than 15 technical subject matter experts including health and safety, testing and commissioning. We provided proactive support to all contributors to complete the response templates we had provided, making sure everything we were due to receive was consistent and accurately followed the process.

We chaired team conference calls (three per week) to close actions, manage alignment to the bid plan and resolve any outstanding issues.

Through following our structured process designed to optimise scoring we secured the contract, much to the delight of Ken Ritson, the Managing Director of EDS Group and his team.

  • We couldn’t have won this bid without Bespoke.

    We couldn’t have won this bid without Bespoke. They came up with a project plan, managed and improved all the contributions from the team, and maintained tight control over the entire bid management process to ensure we stuck to the plan.

    Ken Ritson — Group MD EDS Group

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