
Domiciliary Care Framework – Brighton City Council

  • Contract Value:
  • Contract Length:
    3 years
  • Contract Type:
  • Result :

New client, first win

Faced with a ‘must-win’ bid from her local Council, Johanne reached out for professional assistance to secure the contract.

Hallifax Care Ltd is a family run home care business in Brighton and Hove. Established in 1996, it provides a high standard of personal care enabling clients of all ages and with a variety of needs, to live full, safe, independent lives in their own homes.

Johanne Stanley, Director at Hallifax Care, knew that the home care tender for Brighton & Hove City Council was imminent. She contacted us for help with her submission. Johanne had worked with other bid management companies in the past but had found their processes too prescriptive. She was looking for a company that could help her to more accurately evidence the strong social and ethical values of the business.

We assigned an experienced consultant well-versed in both public sector procurement and the social care industry to add optimal value to the process. The consultant acted as the single point of contact for Johanne throughout the process, with regular communication on both actions and progress.

Following a detailed kick-off call and win strategy session between the Bespoke Bids team and Hallifax Care Directors, we discussed Hallifax Care’s key differentiators, roles and responsibilities and a bid plan to ensure all bid deliverables were completed on time and to the highest quality.

We structured each quality question closely, aligning to the question posed, the specification and the evaluation criteria. Through a series of planned conference calls we set about gathering evidence and added value from Johanne to make sure all of the excellent work being delivered by Hallifax care to both their service users and the local community were consistently evidenced throughout the bid.

The bid went through our ISO 9001-accredited quality assurance process and was reviewed and challenged by other experienced consultants at four planned checkpoints.

  • Collaborative Process

    A flexible way of working with Johanne and her team to collect information was extremely important to reflect the strong values and experience of this family-run business.

  • Effective Planning

    We submitted the bid with plenty of time to spare due to the effective bid plan designed to optimise scoring within the time constraints.

  • Experienced Consultants

    Based on our track record of securing public sector contracts, we removed all complexity for Johanne and applied a proven method of achieving success.

Top Quality Scores

Before submission, Johanne reviewed all drafts and confirmed that the bid accurately reflected her business and relayed the values that she felt had been missing on previous bids. Johanne signed-off on the bid, we submitted and awaited the result.

When the results were released by the Council, we not only secured Johanne a place on the framework but achieved top quality scores and Hallifax Care were praised by the Council for their efforts.

Through the collaboration of a highly passionate business owner and professional bid consultancy, we helped to secure a contract which has contributed to the ongoing success of Hallifax Care.

  • …they actually listened.

    It was so easy working with Bespoke as I only ever spoke to one person who I did not have to keep explaining again and again to. Unlike some of the other bid writing companies I have spoken to, they actually listened.

    Johanne Stanley — Director Hallifax Care

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